Monday, April 28, 2008

I had jury duty today and managed to get 50 miles of riding in. I had to report to jury duty at 8:30 this morning in Willits, which is about 15 miles from where I live in Redwood Valley. To get there, I rode over the Ridgewood Summit (elevation: 1953 feet). The highway passes Ridgewood Ranch which is where the famous racehorse Seabiscuit was raised. It took me just over an hour to climb the grade and ride to the courthouse. I didn't get selected for the jury so I rode back over the summit, dropped off some clothes in Redwood Valley, then continued on to Ukiah to the school where I teach (Ukiah High School). I dismissed my substitute teacher who was covering my classes, taught for the rest of the day, worked out in the gym, then rode back to Redwood Valley. I think that may be the furthest I've ridden on a work day.

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