Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 52, Medina to E. Williamson, New York

Ride distance: 85 miles; ride time: 4:35; cumulative distance: 3,457 miles; average speed: 18.5 mph; calories: 5887; ascent: 2223 feet; descent: 2318 feet. We started the day with breakfast at our host homes. Dan and I stayed with Jim and Barb. They were very nice hosts and treated us well. The ride today took us through Rochester, New York and beside the Erie Canal. In fact, when we went through Rochester, we rode on the bike path that runs for miles along the Erie Canal. It used to be the tow path where the mules would pull the barges through the canal. We arrived at the Free Methodist Church in E. Williamson between 4 and 5 p.m. There were church members there to welcome us and provide us with snacks and cold drinks. We then went with our hosts to their homes for dinner and a good night’s rest. Tonight, Stuart and I are staying with Jim and Laurie Brown. They live out in the country in a very nice setting with their dog Chloe. They have two grown daughters, one married and one a senior at Houghton College. We had great conversation over a delicious chili dinner. Speaking of chili, there is a town nearby called Chili. It is the second town with that name that we’ve encountered on the trip. The funny thing is that the townspeople in both towns insist on pronouncing their town name with both i’s in Chili have a “long i” sound. I was wondering how they would say it if they had a chili cook-off in Chili. East Williamson is in Wayne County, New York. Jim and Laurie tell me that the county is well known for two things: apples and snow. Apparently both come in plenteous supply.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Phillips, it's one of your students. Anyways, good job with the ride thing.
