Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 53, East Williamson to Redfield, New York

Ride distance: 86 miles; ride time: 5:29; cumulative distance: 3,543 miles; average speed: 15.8 mph; calories: 5506; ascent: 3722 feet; descent: 3209 feet. We started the day with breakfast at our host homes. Stuart and I stayed with Jim and Laurie and their dog Chloe. All were perfect hosts. Today was an interesting day to say the least. We’ve had great weather for this entire trip – until today that is. Today was another story. We had torrential downpours of Biblical proportions, what are known as “gulley washers”. Some of us would seek shelter from the deluge. Others with the “press on regardless” mentality would throw caution to the wind and ride through it. I was in the former group so I was able to find porches, garages, and gas stations when I needed to come out of the rain. We finally made it to our destination between 4 and 5 p.m. We are out in “the sticks” and none of us have reliable cell phone reception. We are staying at a motel tonight since no host church was available. We had dinner at the motel restaurant and celebrated Johnny’s 24th birthday with a cake. We’re hoping the weather tomorrow will be a little drier than today’s.

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