Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 55, In Newcomb, New York

Bryan and I are staying this weekend with Ed and Janice and their sons Aidan and Jonas. Ed is a high school math teacher in Newcomb. I am a high school math teacher in Ukiah. Ed’s school is small so his class sizes are very small. My school is large so my class sizes are much larger. We had the chance to see Ed’s school today. There are only 70 students in grades K through 12. They have a very nice facility in Newcomb. The State of New York has a lot of property in Newcomb so they pay a good sum of the money for the school. As a result, local taxes are low and the quality of education is high. That sounds like a good combination. We went with Ed and Jackie to their church, the United Methodist Church in Newcomb. Pastor Carol was there along with her dog Ike. The service was very low-key but also very heartfelt and worshipful. John Duncan had a chance to share about our ride. After church, Ed and Jackie took Bryan and I on a drive to the trailhead for the High Peaks area. We hiked to a lake that is near the headwaters of the Hudson River. What a beautiful area. It’s no wonder the Adirondacks are a popular vacation spot. This afternoon, I took a much needed and refreshing nap. For supper, we went to the Long Lake Town Hall for another potluck provided by our host church, the United Methodist Church of Newcomb. The food and fellowship was great.


Stephen Phillips said...

Hey dad. I was looking at some of your recent pictures, and you've taken some beautiful shots. Can't wait to see them all when I'm home.

Stephen Phillips said...

Or when we're both home, that is.