Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 45, Wabash, Indiana to Grover Hill, Ohio

Ride distance: 100 miles; ride time: 5:14; cumulative distance: 2,896 miles; average speed: 19.1 mph; calories: 7124; ascent:1336 feet; descent: 1331 feet. We had breakfast with our host families then met at the Presbyterian Church in Wabash. Today’s ride went well. There was a slight tailwind so we made good time. We didn’t push quite as hard as yesterday so the ride took about 15 minutes longer. When we crossed into Ohio, we took signs of both the Ohio sign and the Indiana sign (since there was no Indiana sign when we entered Indiana on a country road). After about 85 miles of riding, Paul Bayfield, Zack, and I decided that we would see how fast we could go on level ground. The young guys won out. Paul went 37 mph, Zack went 36 mph, and I went 34.5 mph. I gave it the old college try. In my defense, if you add Zack and Paul’s ages together and throw in an extra 10 years or so, that will about equal my age. Also, Zack and Paul both had bikes with triple chain rings and mine only had a compact double. (I know – I’m making excuses – they won fair and square!). We arrived at Grover Hill around 4 at the YFC Wilderness Camp. This is an excellent place for young people to come and find out about living for Christ. About 700 to 800 young people came to the camp last year. Tonight, Paul Bayfield and I were hosted by Tom and Brenda who lived just a couple of miles from the camp. They treated us to an excellent pasta dinner and ice cream later on.

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