Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 54, Redfield to Newcomb, New York

Ride distance: 119 miles; ride time: 6:59; cumulative distance: 3,662 miles; average speed: 17.0 mph; calories: 7890; ascent: 6033 feet; descent: 5415 feet. What a contrast in weather between yesterday and today. Yesterday was rainy. Today was sunny and fair – a good day for a long ride in the Adirondack Mountains. We had breakfast at the Reservoir Inn Restaurant in Redfield. We were on the road before 8 a.m. to begin the long ride. There were many hills today, many of them steep. I counted eleven hills that were 10% grade or steeper. On a church marquis today, I read: "Problems that aren’t worth praying about are not worth worrying about". After 95 miles, we climbed a particularly long and steep hill near Blue Mountain Lake. We were at the 70 mile point at 2 p.m. In order to arrive at our host church by 5 p.m., Paul Bayfield, Zack and I left lunch saying we would be unsupported for the last 50 miles. We made good time and were able to arrive before 5 in Newcomb. The three of us were taken to a nearby lake where a potluck dinner was being readied for us. We started the potluck about 6 p.m. and the other riders began arriving. The setting was beautiful. This is the start of a great weekend.

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