Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 44, Brook to Wabash, Indiana

Ride distance: 100 miles; ride time: 4:58; cumulative distance: 2796 miles; average speed: 20.1 mph; calories: 7492; ascent: 1414 feet; descent: 1286 feet. Last night and this morning, we were at the home of Tony and Sharon. Tony is a biology teacher at South Newton High School. He pointed out some memorabilia in the room I slept in last night -- a baseball jersey signed by Pete Rose. Tony then took Les and I back to our host church, the United Methodist in Brook. Pastor Sue led devotions and then we were treated to breakfast. Once we got on the road, the pace was fast. There was a bit of a tailwind so we made good time to Wabash. The distance was actually about 97 miles but Zack, Paul Bayfield and I rode up and down the street until we had our 100 miles in. We were trying to ride 100 miles (a century) in under 5 hours and we were successful. Wabash is noted as being the first city to be lit using electricity. There were four 3,000 candlepower bulbs that lit the courthouse starting in 1880. In front of the courthouse is a statue of Abraham Lincoln. We had a good reception at the Presbyterian Church in Wabash by local Youth for Christ supporters. Stuart and I are staying at the home of Shirley and her daughter, Carmen. Shirley prepared a delicious dinner for us and then spoiled us with vanilla and death by chocholate ice cream and fudge cake. I guess after burning 7,492 calories today, we can live a bit dangerously!

1 comment:

Shelley Gomez said...

Wow, congratulations on the 100 mile day in under 5 hours! I guess after riding 97 miles, 3 more doesn't feel like much. The girls and I were picking sweet corn today and were kept cool by the breeze from the west. I am glad it followed you all to help make such a long day more tolerable. Our conintued prayers are with you all.
Shelley Gomez & family