Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 30, Alexandria to New London, Minnesota

Ride distance: 55 miles; ride time: 3:08; cumulative distance: 1927 miles; average speed: 17.3 mph; calories: 3362; ascent: 1357 feet; descent: 1371. Well, here we are at the half way point of our trip – time wise that is. I think we have more miles to go to be at half way point in distance. Our morning started in the breakfast room of the Hampton Inn. One of the local Youth for Christ supporters generously put us up in the hotel for the night. We had a very filling and hearty breakfast while we waited out a rain shower. By the time we left, the rain had stopped and we were able to make the trip with no further rain. I had my third flat before I started the ride today. I was filling one of my tires with air and tore the valve stem as I was removing the tire pump valve. Oh well, those things happen in the life of a cyclist. We arrived in New London at Peace Lutheran Church around lunch time. After lunch, we went to our hosts’ homes. I’m staying with Mark and Julie Thompson. Mark rode with us for 3 days and planned all the routes in Minnesota. We had to revise our route so that we could attend the Sonshine Festival this week. Youth for Christ has a booth at the festival featuring our Ride Across America. The riders will be at the booth on Thursday meeting with people at the festival. On Wednesday night, we went to the Jars of Clay concert. It was a good concert and thousands attended.

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