Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 24, Tokio to Cooperstown, North Dakota

Ride distance: 67 miles; ride time: 4:22; cumulative distance: 1651 miles; average speed: 15.4 mph; calories: 3883; ascent: 1283 feet; descent: 1420 feet. After a hearty breakfast of biscuits and gravy and oatmeal, we said our farewells to Mike and Libby at the Spirit Lake Christian Center. It had rained during the night so the dirt road back to the camp was muddy. Mike and Libby shuttled our bikes out to the paved road in three trips using the "Sidewalk Sunday School" trailer. Today was a particularly hard day of riding. The distance was only 67 miles but we were fighting the wind all day long. I'm not used to east winds. Our group much prefers tailwinds but I'll bet that after today, they'd even settle for crosswinds. We arrived at our destination between 3:30 and 4 p.m. and were greeted warmly by the pastor of our host church and his wife. John and Kirstie opened up their home to us and we were able to take hot showers after the tough day of riding. Every year, the local bank puts on a free dinner for the community the day before the county fair starts. That happened to be today so we were treated to dinner by the Community Bank. After dinner, we went to the homes of our hosts. Dave, Darlene, Bryan and I are staying at the home of Charles and Diane. Charles is a retired farmer and Diane is a retired teacher. They're finding that retired life keeps them plenty busy.

1 comment:

Dale said...

Hi Tom,
As our daughter Christina will be married on July 12, I have not had much time to write to your blog. We are enjoying our time with relatives who have come from Thailand, Australia and England. Some of them are very talented in the arts and brought along some of their work. We pray for safe riding for all of you and for tailwinds for a change.