Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 32, New London to Glencoe, Minnesota

Trip distance: 78 miles; trip time: 4:09; cumulative distance: 2005 miles; average speed: 18.7 mph; calories: 3345; ascent: 1150 feet; descent: 1332 feet. Sometimes we get an early start and sometimes we get a late start. Today was a late start day. Since some of our riders stayed to the end of the concert at the Sonshine Festival last night (around midnight), we decided that it would not be good to meet at 7 a.m. Instead, we met at 9 a.m. That gave me time to have a nice breakfast with my hosts, Mark and Julie Thompson and their 3 boys, Tristan, Gabriel, and Micah. I really enjoyed the time I spent with them and was glad to have an extra day at New London. Mark made up the route maps for us in Minnesota. Today’s trip marked a milestone: We just passed the 2,000 mile mark on our trip. We arrived in Glencoe around 4 p.m. and the first place we visited was the local Dairy Queen. We seem to be giving Dairy Queens and Tasty Freezes quite a bit of business these days – especially when it’s hot. We’re being hosted tonight by Christ Lutheran Church in Glencoe. Bryan, Les (our new support person) and I are staying with Pastor Brad and his wife Ruth. For dinner, we went to the home of Lowell and Colleen, members of the church, for a barbeque featuring good old Minnesota bratwurst. The family lives on a farm with lots of ducks, goats, and cats.

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