Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 36, Lake City to Brownsville, Minnesota

Ride distance: 101 miles; ride time: 5:36; cumulative distance: 2231 miles; average speed: 18.1 mph; calories: 6757; ascent: 3410 feet; descent: 3387 feet. Today’s ride was considerable longer than yesterday’s. We met at 7 a.m. at the teen center and soon were on the road. Three riders wanted to do a portion of the ride in Wisconsin so we split the group and both groups met for lunch at Winona, Minnesota. The group of 8 riders that remained in Minnesota had a fair amount of hill climbing to do. We ended up climbing from the river level to the level of the bluffs along the river 3 times. Each ascent was 500 to 600 feet of vertical climb. The Wisconsin riders followed a shorter, more direct and more level route so they traveled about 10 fewer miles than the Minnesota riders. We had a long lunch stop in Winona then pedaled another 40 miles to our destination of Brownsville. Our host church today is the Zion Evangelical Church. We arrived at the church between 5 and 6 p.m. and our hosts were there to greet us. Zack, Dan, Fiona, Johnny, Les and I are in two hosts’ homes that are right next to each other overlooking the Mississippi River. We all had a wonderful dinner together with tasty marinated meat and other delectable items.

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