Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 38, Edgewood to Central City, Iowa

Ride distance: 45 miles; ride time: 2:43; cumulative distance: 2369; average speed: 16.6 mph; ascent: 1570 feet; descent: 1935 feet. Today’s ride was a short one. We started the day with breakfast at the homes of our hosts. We didn’t meet until 9 a.m. since we knew we didn’t have far to go. One of the hosts is the president of the Community Savings Bank in Edgewood. He gave our group a tour of his bank. We seemed to be a big hit with the employees. It was a bit awkward being the center of attention but we adjusted. Even though the ride was short, it was difficult because we had a headwind to ride into for all but about 7 miles. We had lunch along the way and arrived in Central City around 2:30 to 3 p.m. We had supper at the homes of our hosts. After supper, we returned to the United Methodist Church, our host church, for a meeting to present our ride and the ministry of Youth for Christ. These meetings are very encouraging. The local people are very receptive and our group enjoys sharing with them. The first picture in today’s blog is a picture of Arek as he was discussing the ministry of Youth for Christ in Lebanon.

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