Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 1, Anacortes to Marblemount, WA

Ride Distance: 82 miles; Ride time: 5:32; Calories burned: 5093; Ascent in feet: 2643. What a great day. Our entire group met at Anacortes Christian Church at 7 a.m. and then rode to Washington Park, our Pacific Ocean starting point. After a word of prayer led by John Duncan, we dipped our bike wheels in the water and began our trip. This was a good starting day. There were some hills but nothing of any consequence. When we reached Marblemount, we were greeted by Pastor Nichols of the North Cascade Community Church. We were treated like royalty by the members of the church. Four of us including myself stayed with Lewis and Carol Besio. They are relatively new Christians and were very hospitable. After we got settled and had showers, we went to the home of John, Mary, Angela and Caleb for a delicious barbeque. John and his family made the beautiful house they live in out of lumber they cut and milled on their property. It has been 12 years in the making and it is quite a sight to see.

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