Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 7, Colville to Newport, WA

Ride distance: 93 miles; ride time: 5:59; calories burned: 5829; ascent in feet: 3864. Our host, Leif Jakobsen, treated us to a delicious breakfast. We met at the church and started our ride at about 8 am. The group I started with made a slight detour in getting to the proper course out of town. A German Short Haired Pointer decided to follow us and the dog followed our group for at least 5 miles before we turned up the speed on a descent and left the dog in our dust. After lunch, I rode with 3 of the young guys: Zack, Paul Bayfield, and Arek. We had a strong headwind but were able to make good forward progress by forming a paceline. We took turns being in front while the others followed closely behind the next rider. Using this method, we averaged around 18 mph for about 45 miles. We got into town around 4 p.m. and were greeted warmly by members of the First Baptist Church. They had signs put up in town for us to follow to the church. Arek and I met our host family, Brian and Jeri Cass with children Thomas, Seth, Branden and Tori. We went to their house to shower before dinner. They pointed to a tree on the other side of the street from their house and explained that it was in Idaho.They live right next to the Washington-Idaho state line. I stood in the middle of the street with one foot in Washington and the other in Idaho. At 6 p.m., we went back to the church for a wonderful potluck dinner. It was great. My daughter's not going to like this but two of the dishes I sampled included bear and deer meat. They were quite tasty. After dinner, we went outside for photos then came back inside for a presentation on the ministry of Youth for Christ. I was asked to lead 3 worship songs. I'm glad I brought my guitar. I've been able to put it to good use the past two days. Well, we've completed 1 state and have 13 to go. This has been a great ride so far. Everyday is a new adventure. We've found that people have been incredibly kind and hospitable to us.

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