Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 5, Republic to Colville, WA

Ride distance: 59 miles; ride time: 3:56; calories burned: 3805; ascent in feet: 4105. Today started out with a pancake breakfast cooked by a former Sargent Major and his wife from the Nazarene Church. It turns out that they were acquainted with our ride director, Bryan Blomker. Their children were both in Bryan's Young Life group in Germany. The ride went well. We made it to the top of the pass before noon and had lunch at a campground on the Columbia River which is called Lake Roosevelt due to the Grand Cooley Dam which has created a reservoir with a 5000 mile shoreline. We arrived in Colville in mid-afternoon and went to our host church, the First Congregational United Church of Christ. We were greeted warmly by the pastor, treated to a table laden with snacks, and then sent off to our hosts' homes. Bill Smith and I are staying with a retired merchant marine captain from Norway. He has been a wonderful host with fascinating stories to tell. We went out to eat at a local restaurant, The food was great.

1 comment:

Dale said...

Great progress. Lumpoon and I helped serve a spaghetti dinner to 26 young people with Global Agents for Change, raising $ for micro-credit loans in the 3rd world. They ride on today to Gualalalaland.(60 miles). They were very appreciative, mostly Canadians from Simon Fraser U. in Vancouver. Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." We pray for good weather and safety.
In Christ,
Dale and Lumpoon