Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 8, Newport, WA to Clark Fork, ID

Ride distance: 62 miles; Ride time: 3:42; Calories: 4036; ascent in feet: 1476. The day started with a wonderful breakfast served by the First Baptist Church of Newport. It was great. They had eggs, bacon, coffee cake, waffles, biscuits and gravy, cereal, bagels, donuts (just to name a few things). We definitely didn't go away hungry. After a great sendoff, we headed toward our destination of Clark Fork, Idaho. Since we had favorable winds, we were able to make good time. We spent about 2 hours at the city park in Sandpoint. It is situated on the shore of Lake Pend Oreille, a beautiful lake in Northern Idaho. Some of the guys went swimming. I was tempted but didn't wanted to ride with wet cycling shorts. After our long break, we pedaled the rest of the way to Clark Fork. We are being hosted by a beautiful new youth center called "The Filling Station". The couples that have overseen its construction have operated on faith. The building is debt free. It's been 10 years in the construction and is almost completed. We were served a great dinner and then presented our program on Youth for Christ.


Dale said...

I talked to a lady, Kathy Jones, of Kelseyville E. Free and found she is spouse of a Gideon. I sent her our church list so she could pick out churches to contact that may be interested in a Satellite TV training on Dobson's "Truth Project". That is all she wanted. I would like to get a copy of your itinerary so friends in my old camp in Minnesota could contact you when you guys whiz through the Twin Cities area. Lots of fires in the county and smoke is everywhere it seems, except here in Fort Bragg where the seabreeze is keeping it at bay. I wonder how much you drink each day to keep yourself hydrated. John 4:14 "Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain fo water springing up into ever lasting life." Chug a lug and keep your cool. Amen.

YFCJD said...

You guys are going great, and will be so hard and fast that when I rejoin in August I'll probably have to get sagged in every night from the effort of trying to keep up with you!

Will be doing my best to pray for you every day, especially for your safety.

Warmest good wishes in the meantime.

Tom Phillips said...

Hi Dale, Please talk to Nancy. She should have a copy of our itinerary although we're changing it somewhat in Minnesota since we've been invited to speak at a big Youth for Christ rally there. We drink lots of water, wspecially on days like today when it was 96 degrees.

Tom Phillips said...

Hi John,
The whole group misses you and wishes you were here with us. We'll look forward to you joining us again. Thanks for your prayers.