Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 37, Brownsville, MN to Edgewood, Iowa

Ride distance: 93 miles; ride time: 5:31; cumulative distance: 2324 miles; average speed: 16.8 mph; calories: 6125; ascent: 4567 feet; descent: 4056 feet. We left Brownsville after a great breakfast from our host families and a good send off from the Zion Evangelical Church. Today's ride was one of the hardest of the trip. We had many very steep hills to climb and they all seemed to be about 3 to 4 hundred feet of climb. Some were as steep as 12% grade which any cyclist will tell you is a pretty steep hill. Inspite of the hills, the ride went very well. We saw lots of nice scenery including more views of the Mississippi River. The church pictured in today's blog was one we saw along the way. Notice the cemetary that surrounds the church. That seems to be fairly common with country churches. I also saw a fox run across the road. I tried to get a picture of it but I wasn't quite quick enough to get the right settings on my camera. Most of our trip today has been in Iowa. We left Minnesota after 14 miles. We arrived in Edgewood aroung 5 p.m. Our original stopping point was Ekander but that town was heavily damaged by floods so we had to change locations. It worked out very well. We have great host families that put on a wonderful potluck at the United Methodist Church in town. After dinner, we walked two blocks to the Bible Church and put on a Youth for Christ presentation. It went very well. There were many in attendance and we were able to do a lot of good sharing about our mission.


Stephen Phillips said...

I think I'd change that sign's slogan to "Opportunities in Fields."

Unknown said...

My name is Loretta and I am new to New Life Church. You may not know me, but after reading your blog I feel I know you. What an opportunity God has presented to you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as you travel this nation, spreading His Word. I pray that God blesses you and keeps you safe.