Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 42, Kewanee to Cornell, Illinois

Ride distance: 86 miles; ride time: 4:46; cumulative distance: 2,­­­605 miles; average speed: 18.0 mph; calories; 5633; ascent: 1692 feet; descent: 1742 feet. We had breakfast with our host families this morning. I had the privilege of staying with the Gomez Family. Shelley and Trino have two lovely daughters, Sarah and Rachel who got up early to see the riders off. We had a good ride in the morning and had a late lunch about 20 miles from our destination. After lunch, we started up on the designated route. Unfortunately for us, the designated route was freshly tarred and graveled. Zack, Paul Bayfiel, Arek and I started down the road and soon discovered our mistake. As we rode along, the gravel was pinging under our tires like popcorn in a corn popper. We started accumulating a thick, gooey layer of tar and gravel on our tires that can be compared to carmel apples covered in nuts. We were able to warn 5 of our riders from coming this way. The four of us with tar covered tires went back to our lunch spot and spent the next two hours trying to de-tar our bikes. We used a bag of rags, tar remover, Gojo cleaner, screwdrivers, and plenty of elbow grease to get the bikes back into some semblance of riding shape. We were finally able to get back on the road after 4 p.m. and made it to our host church in Cornell shortly after 5. We showered and had a wonderful dinner provided by the United Methodist Church in Cornell. We especially appreciated the freshly picked sweet corn. Stuart and I stayed that night with Dave, a riverboat captain on the Mississippi River. He had a lot of stories to tell us when we went back to his house.

1 comment:

Stephen Phillips said...

That's really tarrible dad.