Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 43, Cornell, Illinois to Brook, Indiana

Ride distance: 91 miles; ride time: 5:10; cumulative distance: 2,­­­696 miles; average speed: 17.6 mph; calories; 5813; ascent: 1032 feet; descent: 985 feet. We met at the United Methodist Church in Cornell at 6:30 a.m. for another great meal served by the church. Today, we were a lot more fortunate with the roads – no tar. It was a hot day reaching into the 90’s. There’s one thing that bikes lack – air conditioning –although if we go fast enough, we create our own. We passed the town of Odell which was on the original Route 66. The first riders made it to Brook by 4 p.m. and others arrived over the nest hour or so. Our host church tonight is the United Methodist Church in Brook. When we arrived, we were taken to the high school for showers. We then came back to the church for dinner. We are definitely spoiled with all the good food we’ve been served. We had more locally grown and fresh sweet corn, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, cherry cheese cake and raspberry or strawberry shortcake. (Is your mouth watering yet?) Mine was.

1 comment:

Stephen Phillips said...

Cherry cheese cake? Dang . . . lucky.